FMAM is proud to present its 6th Investor Engagement Series on Thursday, 18 November 2021
from 3:30–5:00 PM KL, HK, SG time/ 7:30–9:00 AM LDN time
The event will feature senior leaders from Bank Negara Malaysia, led by Assistant Governor Norzila binti Abdul Aziz and Ministry of Finance Malaysia and follows on from a successful 5th Investor Engagement Series which was held on 23 February 2021, where over 400 global, regional and local financial market participants and investors greatly benefitted from the informative engagement with the panelists from MOF and BNM.
Save your spot by completing the form below. Unique login details will be shared after successful registration
This event is endorsed by the Asia Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
(ASIFMA) and supported by Organising banks as follows: